Accessing components in code

Say we want to change that text we made earlier in code, well to do that we’re gonna need a reference to it. First, we’re gonna need to give that text an id, let’s give it the id some-text

<vertical child-control-height="false">
  <horizontal bg="panel-top" pad-left="10" pad-right="10" horizontal-fit="PreferredSize">
    <text text="Example" align="Center" font-size="10"></text>
  <horizontal bg="round-rect-panel" pad="8">
    <text id="some-text" text="Looks at this fancy text."></text>
  <button text="Test Button"></button>

Now to access the TextMeshProUGUI component of this text element we can just tag it with the UIComponent attribute

public class ExampleViewController : BSMLResourceViewController
    public override string ResourceName => "Namespace.Views.example.bsml";

    private TextMeshProUGUI text;

Triggering methods with templates

Now we have our text but how do we make clicking the button change it? Well, we can add an on-click event to it to trigger a method with the UIAction attribute. Let’s make it trigger the press method

<vertical child-control-height="false">
  <horizontal bg="panel-top" pad-left="10" pad-right="10" horizontal-fit="PreferredSize">
    <text text="Example" align="Center" font-size="10"></text>
  <horizontal bg="round-rect-panel" pad="8">
    <text id="some-text" text="Looks at this fancy text."></text>
  <button on-click="press" text="Test Button"></button>

and now we can add the UIAction attribute to our method that changes the text

public class ExampleViewController : BSMLResourceViewController
    public override string ResourceName => "Namespace.Views.example.bsml";

    private TextMeshProUGUI text;

    private void ButtonPress()
        text.text = "Hey look, the text changed";

Now if we go in game and click the button our text will change.